Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kia ora katoa.

There is so much to do to get this museum open - exhibition development is challenging at the best of times, but when large parts of the collection are still in boxes and the roof on your collection storage area leaks it is downright frustrating. What to do? Well, we decided to fix the roof so, having scrounged a large pile of "good" second hand corrugated iron and a couple of sheets of long run roofing we peered at the sky and declared Saturday June 19 to be the day.

Fortified with coffee and cheese scones we lifted the old leaky roof and replaced it, sheet by sheet with new or nearly new non-leaky roof. The team worked brilliantly; no one fell off or through - which is a good thing as they would have most likely landed on a precious collection item and damaged it - and we finished the day with three-quarters of a new roof.

Here's the crunch - we need another 52 metres of material to complete the job, so if anyone out there has good quality roofing iron to spare, please can we have it? We can collect it and you will be rewarded for your generosity - you will be suffused with a warm glow that comes from knowing you have done a good thing!

I can almost certainly promise you a very waggy response from our site supervisor who spent the day on the ground keeping a close eye on things!

To contact us with news of your generous donation call 06 273 8354 or email me on

It has rained an awful lot since our working bee and I am pleased to report that we have not had any leaking from the new roof - so our work is proving worthwhile; gosh, we might even get the collection unpacked sometime soon................ 

ka kite ano
Kristelle Plimmer, Curator. Aotea Utanganui - Museum of South Taranaki 

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