Monday, May 2, 2011

Opening Day

Kia ora katoa.

Humblest apologies for neglecting you all in April - getting the museum open took every minute of the days and most of the nights but, we did it. Saturday 30April saw us gather in brilliant sunshine for the ceremonies.

With much anticipation Aotea Utanganui – Museum of South Taranaki opened on Saturday 30 April. The official celebration comprised a powhiri and speeches by kaumatua representing local iwi and our manuhiri (guests). David Crompton, the Chairperson of the South Taranaki District Museum Trust and the Mayor of South Taranaki, Ross Dunlop also spoke.

After a karakia from Syd Kershaw, the ribbon was cut by Ross Dunlop and puhi, Hinetawhirangi Kershaw. Jenny Kershaw, the mother of our puhi, had performed a similar function when the original museum opened in 1974.

Visitor reaction was very positive with ‘awesome’, ‘amazing’ and ‘much better than we expected’, being the common theme of many comments.

Syd Kershaw delivering the karakia.

Stepping up with the scissors, the Mayor Ross Dunlop and Hinetawhirangi Kershaw, with Syd Kershaw in the background.

Inside – the long-term gallery displays.

I will add more photos and more detail soon - many thanks for your patience with our silence.

Come and visit us soon. We are open from 10am - 4pm every day except Xmas Day and Good Friday.

Ka kite ano!.